Wednesday, July 2, 2014

National holiday and clinic day 1

Tuesday was Ghana Rebublic Day so we had off. Half of the group spent the morning at the open market getting to know each other and immerse ourselves in the culture. We got to use the little Fante we know to talk to the Taxi driver and shop. In the afternoon we went to the supermarket. After that I went on a 25 minute run along the dirt streets of Ghana. It was awesome to be alone and greeting the stand workers and local walking with baskets on their heads and riding bikes as I ran by.   At night the whole house of 24 went out to a nice dinner. Right before we went one of the Work the World staff returned to the house with my bag which was pretty great news because I've worn the same shorts for 4 days!!! The night was spent sitting outside with the two other guys and night guard watching the USA game. I wore my USA tank top all night and did the I believe chant 26 times but sadly we couldn't pull it out.

Today was the first day of clinic. We took a taxi to the hospital 15 minutes through pot hole filled dirt roads so coffee isn't needed to wake you up. I arrived at the Physio clinic and my head supervisor wasn't there yet... She is on Ghana time (aka show up when you want).  I decided to show myself around and introduce myself to all the staff and patients with the few Fante words I have learned (I botched it pretty bad and always got laughed at but at least I am trying). 
Once she arrived I explained my goals and mission for this placement. I will get to spend 3-4 days in each location ( Pediatrics, gym, manual, examination, ward rounds, and electrical ((heat ice diathermy stim)) ). Today I began in peds with a PT named Diane. She finished her 4 year degree and is now in her intern year where she gets paid but works there until she gets her career placement from the government. Today was Erbs palsy treatment day so I got to work with a few young children. At my last placement in the children's hospital I only saw 1 patient with this condition so seeing this many in one day was very interesting. I worked hand in hand with the therapist learning how she treated and throwing some treatment ideas in as well. After one patient she let me take the lead and I had a blast working with these children.  They stared at me like they had never seen a big white person with a beard before.... I have no idea why. After all of the children where done I went with another therapist to see how the manual treatment was performed. He was working with a patient that had a stroke 2 months ago. The biggest impairment she had today was pain with touch and pressure to her arms hands and feet. The therapist and I worked on ideas for desensitization and proprioception which improved her pain throughout the session. After the session she spoke to the therapist in Fante and began to cry. I asked if she was hurting again and the therapist said "no but that she wasn't sure if she could hug me to show thanks". I have her a huge bear hug and told her that she did the work not me and to keep working hard each visit.  At the end of the day I had a great meeting with the head of the department about my evaluations during the clinical.  Overall... Amazing first day and expect ever other day to be just an awesome. A nice workout with the other American using anything around the house finished the day until dinner. After dinner a doctor from the hospital came to the
house and presented to us on Sickle Cell Disease.

Post day 1 sweat soaked selfie in the room

Food has been amazing as it is cooked by a Ghanian named Mavis. Today's dinner was called red red and I had my usual 3 plates.  These Irish and British people are shocked at how much I eat.

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